Saturday, May 1, 2010

Things are looking up

This was an exhausting week both physically and emotionally.  All three of my girls participated in the school's variety show and I was the coordinator for Caroline's group.  My Father-in-law and his wife paid us a visit from Minnesota.  I completed a volunteer project for the twins' Kindergarten class (with some help, thanks H).  Rosie got Mastitis and we lost little Miss Yellow. 

 Jackson Checks out Miss Green

Tomorrow begins a new week and I have the utmost confidence that things are looking up.  

Rosie is on the mend and the puppies are big, strong and healthy. 

Today we set up the puppy "romper room" and brought the pups up from the basement for some playtime.  Thanks to my garage sale-ing friend Michelle P.,  
the pups have some fun new toys.  They love the stuffed dog, thanks Michelle!!!  

Caroline and Mr. Red

The Millwood family paid us a visit today.  They were the winners of the "Puppy Pool" contest, so they were awarded the privilege of being the first visitors.   
 Spencer and Mr. Blue were big time buds!   

Lucy thought that chubby Miss Purple was pretty great!

I think you can tell by the smile that Amanda was as smitten by these golden nuggets as the kids were.   Thanks for coming!