Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Funday

I'm looking at a pen of exhausted pups!  It has been an exciting day of visitors.  The fun has definitely begun and the puppies are getting cuter and more rambunctious each day.

First, we had the Milne family, Ken, Ellen and Erin.  I know, our names are really close.  We laugh at the confusion we cause around the PAWS headquarters and the times we have received mail intended for the other.  Now the confusion will continue as the Milne's are fostering one of the puppies whelped by the Milnes'!  They will be getting one of the boys and naming him Kaden (meaning beloved friend or companion in Aribic).  Kaden will be the Milne's 8th foster puppy and we are excited!

Erin and the boys

The second visitors were Grandma Fae and Dale.  They came to snuggle the pups and grandkids.  As you can see, they enjoyed themselves.  

Third were the Syrba family, Lauren, Rachel and Natalie along with friend Constance.  They know a few things about PAWS puppies, they are currently fostering their 9th.  The pups and Rosie ate up the attention.  

The evening was capped off by a visit from two of Caroline's dear friends Addie and Reagan.   Can you guess what they want for their birthdays?  

If you are interested in coming to visit our little golden nuggets please let me know and we will try to work out a time.  

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